The Basis For My Blog’s Header

Just in case anybody was wondering whose foot is in my banner, it’s belongs to Chad Bradford (or Brad Chadford as I like to call him because it amuses my tiny, little mind).  Back in 2008 I made a number of custom cards based on the 1974 set.  The main objective of the “set” was to get cards of Mets and Orioles who weren’t on a 2008 card (or at least a card I owned), but I found out that that part of the fun in making these customs was trying to determine what colors to use for all the teams which didn’t exist in 1974.

This card’s colors were based on the Milwaukee Brewers 1974 cards, but to differentiate the two teams’ cards I made the “TAMPA BAY RAYS” lettering in the same yellow as is used in the border.

I recently realized that, even though I had mentally figured out the color combinations for all of the non-1974 teams (Blue Jays, Mariners, Rockies, Marlins, Diamondbacks, Rays and Nationals), I’d never actually made a Blue Jays card.  I need to rectify that soon, because the colors I had in mind only work with the recently-departed “Black Jays” unis.  I’ll have to find a player worthy of the honor (and find a photo).

I plan on posting a number of my 2008 customs (as well as some of my other customs) in future posts… most likely when I’m stuck for something to write about.